Sunday, September 11, 2011

Research Exploration Blog I- Freewriting

     As someone who plans to enter the field of entertainment journalism, initially, I thought of writing about why reality TV shows and reality stars are so popular among young American viewers, but given the limited number of credible resources out there covering this topic, I decided to explore other issues that are better fit for college-level research papers. One topic that came to mind was whether lgbt history should be taught in high schools. Other questions that I am considering exploring include whether childhood obesity is a form of child abuse; is the death penalty ethical and effective in terms of lowering crime rate; does MTV's Teen Mom encourage teen pregnancy; and finally, how has MTV changed over the years, and how has this change affected the youth today (Not sure if MTV is worthy of college-level writing, to be honest)? I am leaning toward the topic about MTV's transformation over the years, but I am willing to explore any of the topics I just mentioned. 

1 comment:

  1. A historical overview of how MTV has changed over the years is a good place to start for this topic (as a research question) but you want to make sure that you can make a concrete argument about how specifically MTV has changed--either the implications of this for society or what are the forces that caused MTV to change (or a bit of both).

    The LGBT history in high schools would be a fascinating topic, considering that LGBT issues are still fighting to be recognized on college campuses. The problem is that it would seem to be difficult to incorporate this history into a teach-to-the test curriculum. See what is out there on LGBT issues and how it affects HS age youth. One could make the argument that this may help closeted youth feel like they are not always alone.

    Child obesity and child abuse is also an interesting perspective--this would be another complicated and research-worthy topic. Again, I say see what you can find.
