Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog #4- "The 'Banking' Concept of Education"

     While this analysis of our current education system versus a more promising one is intuitive, it is yet another reminder of how disastrous our education system is and what it can become if we break this cycle of oppression, dehumanization, dichotomy, and so forth in our schools. Students from K-12 as well as college students are fully aware of the reasons or factors that contribute to the failure of our education system: standardized testing, memorization, little-to-no creativity and critical thinking in the classroom, etc. The main problem is that we, teachers and students, have little power as far as bringing reform, and there is no incentive for our state representatives to pass education reform. That being said, it is frustrating sometimes to discuss about such topics that were, are, and will continue to be a pressing national issue. As pessimistic as it sounds, talking about a better education system won't bring about a better education system.

1 comment:

  1. agreed. So we need to follow Freire, and ACT to transform the world.

    Which means, in our case, voting down crappy educational policy and voting the people who want to cut state education (and make k-12 education a series of useless tests) OUT.

