Thursday, October 27, 2011

Susan Bordo Blog

Spindler, Amy. “It’s a Face-Lifted, Tummy Tucked Jungle Out There.” The New York Times Company, 9 June 1996. Web. 27 Oct. 2011.
        In The New York Times article “It’s a Face-Lifted, Tummy Tucked Jungle Out There,” Amy Spindler, style editor of New York Times Magazine, claims that more middle-aged men are resorting to anti-aging products and plastic surgery to look younger and thus, to score or secure jobs in the business sector. Spindler asserts that “downsized corporations,” businesses that are decreasing in numbers but growing in size, are hiring more young men because they believe that a worker with a youthful look appears to have the stamina that companies value and count on for their success. This harsh reality is raising fear among 45-to-54-year-old male job seekers who must now compete with younger men for jobs as business executives. Fear of job loss, according to Spindler, is driving executives “to take measures to look younger, with smooth skin, a full head of hair, and a taut stomach,” and companies selling products and services that help men achieve these looks are capitalizing on that fear. Spindler exposes this phenomenon in order to reveal that, like women, older men are feeling that same pressure of maintaining youth that women have and continue to experience till this day.

1 comment:

  1. good summary of the article, but I think a bit more comments on explicitly how she plans to use the source would be helpful (to you, as you play Bordo).
